首页 -- 精彩范文 -- 精彩范文 -- 海上保险相关词汇英语翻译(7)
practical 實作
practice 操作;實務
practice training 實作訓練
prawn 大蝦
preamble 報頭
precautionary area 警戒區
precise positioning service {= PPS} 精確定位業務
precision accuracy 精度
precision code {= P code} 精確碼
predator-prey relationship 捕食者與被食者之關係
predator-prey system 捕食者與被食者系統
predators 捕食者;魚類敵害
predicted area of danger {= PAD} 預測危險區
pre-emergency governor 極限調速器
pre-exciting switch 激磁開關
pre-exemption 優先購買權
preference 優先
prelarval fish 前稚期幼魚
preliminary notice 預告
preliminary salting 預醃;初醃
preliminary voyage 預備航程
premium advice note {= p.a.n.} 保險費通知單
premium reducing 保險費遞減
premium reserve 保險費準備金
premium to be arranged 保險費待議定
premium transfer 保險費移轉
prenauplius stage 無節幼蟲前期
prepaid {= ppd.} 預付
pre-spawning distribution 產卵前分布
presrerving from loss 防止損失
pressure and vacuum breaker 壓力真空斷路器
pressure pick-up 壓力拾波器;壓力拾音器
pressure stage 壓力級
pressure-control valve 壓力控制閥
pretone 魚精蛋白
prevention of loss 損失之預防
previous cycle year 前回歸年
prey-predator relationship 食餌與捕魚者關係
primary field 一次場
primary loop 一次迴路
primary nutrients 主要營養素
primary production 基礎生產量
primary productivity 基礎生產力
primary reinsurance clause 原始再保險條款
primary sexual characteristics 第一性徵
primary shield water system 一次屏蔽水系統
primary-secondary clocks 子母鐘
prime mover automatic starter 原動機自動起動器
printing finished signal 列印結束信號
private aid to navigation 私用助航標
private pleasure purposes 專供私人娛樂之用
private wording scheme 特殊承保制度
probability paper 機率紙
probability plot method 機率圖示法
probable track area 或然航跡區
proceeds 銷貨收入
proceeds to be accounted for {= proceeds t.b.a.f.} 可計算之銷貨收入
process unit 處理設備
processiing 製造;加工
processing time 處理時間
processor mode 處理器模式
prochristianella 有絲條蟲
production 生產量
production per unit area 單位面積的生產量
professional competence 專業適任
professional packed warranty 專業包裝保證
professional packing 專業包裝
proficiency 熟練
profit 利潤
profit commission {= p/c; PROF COM.; prof. com} 盈餘佣金
profundal fauna 深水生物
programmable read only memory {= PROM} 可程式唯讀記憶體
prolonged blast 長聲
prompt critical accident 瞬發臨界事故
prompt loading 即時裝載
proof of loss 損失證明
proof test for accommodation ladder 舷梯安全[限]試驗
proof test for ship cargo handling gear 貨物裝卸設備安全[限]試驗
propagation error 傳播誤差
propeller characteristic 螺槳特性
propeller racing 螺槳空轉
propeller statical equilibrium 螺槳靜平衡
property 財物
property damage {= p.d.} 財產損失
proportional regulator 比例調整器
proportioner 比例尺
proposer 要保人
proprietary rights 所有權益
propulsion characteristic 推進特性
propulsion device 推進設施
prosartema 內側附肢
prosecution of a voyage 航程開始
protection against single-phasing 單相保護
protection and indemnity {= P&I} 船東防護及賠償責任
protection and indemnity club {= P & I Club} 防護及補償協會{又稱船東責任互保協會}
Protection and Indemnity risks {= P & I risks} 防護及補償危險
protective clothing 防護衣
protective location {= PL} 保護位置
protozoa 原生動物類
protozoan commensals 共生性原生蟲病
protozoan parasites 寄生性原生蟲病
protozoan-parasitic disease 原生動物養生病
protundal zone 深底帶
proximate cause 近因[原則]
proximity limit switch 極限開關
pseudenym 代號
pseudo range 偽距
pseudolite 偽衛星
pseudorandom noise {= PRN} 偽隨機噪音
pteropod ooze 翼足蟲軟泥
public correspondence 公眾通信
public correspondence service 公眾通信業務
public liability {= p.l.} 公共責任
public switched data network {= PSDN} 公眾交換數據網路
public switched telephone network {= PSTN} 公眾交換電話網路
pulsating magnetic field 脈動磁場
pulse 8 positioning system 脈八定位系統
pulse converter supercharging 脈衝轉換器增壓
pulse turbocharging 脈衝渦輪增壓
pump auto-change over device 泵自動切換設施
pump capacity 泵能量
pump characteristic curve 泵特性曲線
pump dredger 泵吸挖泥船
pump head 泵壓頭
pump net 泵網
pump room sea suction valve 泵室海水吸入閥
pump room sea valve 泵室海水閥
pump-fishing 泵捕魚法
pumping 抽排
puncture culture 穿刺培養
pure car carrier {= PCC} 車輛運輸專用船
pure culture 純粹培養
pure indemnity 淨賠償{不定值保單}
purge 驅氣;掃氣
purification system 淨化系統
purple clam 西刀舌
purse line 收縮網
purse seine 圍網;巾著網
purse seiner 圍網漁船
push net 追逐網具
push type 推進式
pushboat; pusher 推船
pushed beam 承推梁
pusher train 推頂船隊
pushing 推頂
pushing frame 推頂架
pushing gear 推頂裝置
pushing post 推頂柱
pushing steering line 推頂操舵纜
putrefaction; putrification 腐爛
p-v indicated diagram p-v示功圖
p-y indicated diagram p-y示功圖
pyramid shape 金字塔狀
pyrometer probe 高溫計探針
pyrrhophyta 渦鞭毛藻
qualiftying category 危險分類
quality assurance 品質保證
quantitative and qualitative control 貨物足量完好送達後支付餘款
quantity production 量產
quantum of interest 受扺押人與財產所有權人保險利益之分隔
quarter ramp 艉斜跳板
quarter roller 提索滑輪
quarter rope 提綱提索
quartz pressure sensor 石英壓力感測器
quay port 直接卸貨港
quay to quay 碼頭至碼頭
quick action closing device 快速關閉設施
quick closing valve 快閉閥
quick release buckle 速脫扣
quick release coupling 快釋接頭
quick-closing emergency valve 應急快閉閥
quota share reinsurance 比例再保險
R Form 勞依茲保險市場加拿大幣交易單
r/i closing form 再保險承保單
r/i or direct 再保險或直接保險
r/i order form 再保險要保書
r/i treaty standard slip 再保險合約標準承保條
raceway 流水路
Racing Risks Extension Clause 賽艇危險延展條款
radar chart 雷達圖
radar echo-box 雷達回波箱
radar identification 雷達識別
radar navigation 雷達導航
radar navigation chart 雷達導航圖
radar performance monitor 雷達性能監測器
radar plotting 雷達測繪
radar simulator 雷達模擬機
radar transponder 雷達詢答器
radial flow turbocharger 徑向流渦輪增壓器
radial-piston hydraulic motor 徑向活塞液力馬達
radio bearing position line 無線電方位位置線
radio communication service 無線電通信業務
radio direction finder deviation 無線電探向儀自差
radio great circle bearing 無線電大圓方位
radio location service 無線電定位業務
radio log 無線電日誌
radio maritime letter 海上無線電書信
radio navigational lattice 無線電導航網路圖
radio officer; radio personnel 無線電人員
radio pratique message 無線電檢疫信文
radio regulation {= RR} 無線電規則
radio relay system 無線電中繼系統
radio service 無線電業務
radio sextant 無線電六分儀
radio telegraph auto-alarm 無線電報自動警報器
radio telex letter 無線電交換電報書信
radio telex service 無線電電報交換業務
radio theodolite 無線電經緯儀
radio true bearing {= RTB} 無線電真方位
radio watch 無線電當值
radio weather service 無線電氣象業務
radioactive contamination 幅射污染
radioactive solid waste storage tank 輻射性固體廢棄物儲存箱櫃
radioactive waste water tank 輻射性廢水箱櫃
radiodetermination station 無線電測定電臺
radiodetermination-satellite service 衛星無線電測定業務
radiolaria ooze 放射蟲軟泥
radiolocation land station 無線電定位陸上電臺
radiolocation mobile station 無線電定位行動電臺
radionavigation land station 無線電導航陸上電臺
radionavigation mobile station 無線電導航行動電臺
radionavigation service 無線電導航業務
radiotelegraph installation 無線電報裝置
radiotelegraph installation for lifeboat 救生艇無線電報裝置
radiotelephone alarmsignal generator 無線電話警報信號產生器
radiotelephone call 無線電話呼叫
radiotelephone distress frequency 無線電話遇險頻率
radiotelephone installation 無線電話裝置
radiotelephone officer 無線電話務員
radiotelephone service 無線電話業務
radiotelex 打字電傳
radiotelex call 無線電傳呼叫
radiotelexogram 無線電傳電報
radius of the earth 地球半徑
rags 破布
raindow trout 虹鱒
raised floor 升高肋板
raised quarter-deck vessel 高艉主甲板船
raising by dewatering with compressed air 壓縮空氣排水浮升
raising by injection plastic foam 噴泡沫塑膠浮升
raising by sealing patching and pumping 封艙抽水浮升
raising haul net 揚繰網
raising of a wreck 打撈沈船
raising with salvage pontoons 用救難浮箱浮升
raked bow 斜艏
rakes 鏟爬貝類
ram tensioner 撞鎚張力機
ram-wing craft 氣翼艇
range of object 物標能見距
range of visibility 能見距;視線範圍
range rate 潮距率
range-range navigation system 雙距離定位系統[導航]
ranging 船靠船轉貨
rapid settling device 快速調定設施
raster scan display 光柵掃描顯示器
ratchet gear 棘輪裝置
rate of bearing variation 方位變動率
rate of distance variation 距離變動率
rate of exploitation 開發度
rate of group maturity 群成熟度
rate of recapture 再捕率
rate of transverse motion 橫移率
rate to be agreed {= r.t.b.a.} 費率待議定
rated breaking capacity 額定斷電容量
rated engine speed 額定引擎轉速
rated load weight 額定載重量
rated making capacity 額定接續容量
rated stock torque 額定舵桿扭矩
rated working condition 額定工作狀況
rather rough sea 稍有波濤
rating 乙級船員;定額出力
ratline hitch 梯級結
Raw Sugar Clause 粗糖條款
ray 鱝;赤鱏;虎魚
reaction 反應
reactive load 無效負載;無功負載
reactor control system 核反應器控制系統
reactor protective system 核反應器保護系統
realised amounts 銷貨額
realtime mode 即時模式
rear ship 殿後船艦
rearing ponds 飼養池
reasonable cost of repair 合理之修理費用
reasonable despatch clause 合理快速條款
reassurance; reinsurance {= r/i} 再保險
reassured {= REASSD; reassd}; reinsured 被再保險人
reassurer; reinsurer 再保險人
rebate 保險費折扣
receipt on the policy 保險單中保險費收訖之文字
receiving point 接收點;受理點
reception facilities 收受設施
reciprocating pump in series 串聯往復泵
reciprocating refrigeration compressor 往復冷凍壓縮機
reciprocating type steering gear 往復式操舵裝置
reciprocity 交換業務;互惠業務
recirculated air 再循環空氣;回風
reconditioning cargo 貨物重整理;貨物重包裝
reconditioning charges 重整理費用
record chart 自動記錄圖
record on spot 現場紀錄
records 記錄
recover form underwriters 保險賠償
recovering repair 修復
recovery 追償
recovery agent 追償代理人
recovery from a carrier 向運送人追償
recovery test 回收試驗
recruitment 加入量;補充量;添加量
recruits 新生魚{指漁場補充魚群}
recurrent group 重現群
red discoloration 變紅症
red fish 紅魚
red line clause 紅字條款
red seabream 赤鯮
red shrimp 胭脂蝦
red star-signal 紅星信號
redd 產卵巢
reddening 變紅
redelivery of vessel 還船
reduced carrier emission 減載波發射
reducing insurer's liability 減輕保險人責任
reed shrimp 養蝦
reef fish 巖礁魚類
reef knot [= slip knot; square knot] 活結;平結
reef point 縮帆索;縮帆繩
reference ellipsoid 參考橢球體
refigerator car 冷凍車
refigerator oil 冷凍機油
refining plant 淨化裝置
reflector compass 反射羅經
refrigerant metering device 冷媒計量設施
refrigerated cargo clause 冷凍貨條款
refrigerated cargo hold 冷凍貨艙
refrigerated room 冷凍室
refrigerated vehicle 冷藏車
refrigerating effect per brake horse power 單位制動馬力冷凍效能
refrigerating effect per unit swept volume 單位氣缸容積冷凍效能
refrigeration 冷凍;冷凍法
refund; refund of claim 退還賠款
regenerative braking; supersynchronous braking 再生制動
regenerative cycle gas turbine 再生循環燃氣渦輪機
regenerative steam turbine 再生蒸汽渦輪機
regenrated scale 再生鱗
regions 頭胸甲區
register of cargo handling gear of ship 船舶貨物裝卸設備登記簿
register of shipping; ship classification society 船級機構
registered depth 登記深度
registered length 登記長度
registration of alteration 變更登記
registration of withdrawal 撤銷登記
registry certificate 船籍登記證書
regular maintenance 定期保養
regular repair 定期檢修
regular wave 規則波
regulating lock light 調整閘燈
regulating rod 調整桿
regulations for ship formation movement 船艦編隊運動規則
regulations of fishery harbor 漁港規則
reheat steam turbine 再熱式蒸汽渦輪機
Reid vapor pressure 瑞德蒸氣壓
reinforced rib 加強肋
REINSD or reinsd 原保險人
reinstatement {= reinst.} 自動恢復原保額
reinsurance clause 再保險條款
reinsurance common account {= r.i.c.c.}; reinsurance of joint account {= r.o.j.a.} 再保險共同帳戶
reinsurance of cargo 貨物再保險
reinsurance of hull 船舶再保險
reinsurance offices Association {= ROA} 再保險公司協會
reinsurance treaty 再保險合約
reinsurance waiver clause 再保險加費或退費放棄條款
rejection of abandonment 推絕委付
rejection risks 貨物拒收險
relative bearing of current 水流相對方位
relative bearing of radio 無線電相對方位
relative log 相對計程儀
relative motion display 相對運動顯示
relative motion radar {= RM radar} 相對運動雷達
relative rotor displacement 轉子相對位移
relative speed of wind 相對風速
relative wind 相對風
release 釋放;脫扣
release call 解約會費
release of reserve 沖還準備金
release to true Sterling 按以英磅匯率沖帳
reliability 可靠性;可靠度
relief engineer 接班輪機員
reloading cargo at p.o.r. {port of refuge} 貨物在避難港重新裝運
remaining deviation 剩餘自差
remaining on board {= r.o.b.} 船上餘留貨物
remark list 批註清單
remedy against third parties 向第三者追償
remote control abnormal alarm 遙控異常警報
remote control mine-sweeping navigation service 遙控掃雷航海勤務
remote water level indicator 遠隔水位指示器
removal ashore clause 搬移至岸上條款
removal of ship for repairs 移動船舶修理
removal of wreck {i.f.v.c.} 搬移殘骸{用於漁船保險}
removal of wreck extension 搬移殘骸延展承保{用於遊艇保險}
renewal not required {= r.n.r.} 未申請續保
renewal notice 續保通知書
renewal sheet 續保通知表
renewal survey 換證檢驗
renibus penaei 腎條蟲
repacking 重新包裝
repair accounts 修理費用帳
repair list 修理單
repair port 修理港
repair specification 修理說明書
repairs to ship 船舶修理費
repeat {= RPT} 重複
repeated starting sequence 重複起動程序
repeater mode 重發器模式
rephasing 重行定相
replacement clause 重置條款
replacement of machinery 機器重置
replenishment course 整補航向
replenishment distance abeam 整補橫距
replenishment distance astern 整補縱距
replenishment speed 整補航速
replenishment station 整補站
report 報告
report of clearance 結關報告
reporting form basis 保額通知基礎
reporting point {= RP} 報告點
reporting procedures 報告程序
representation 陳述
reproduction 增殖;再生產量
reproduction curve 再生產曲線
reproductive potential 生殖潛力
request form 查詢表
res nullius {nobody's responsibility} 無人負責任{拉丁}
rescue basket 救生吊籃
rescue litler 救生擔架
rescue seat 救生吊座
rescue sling 救生吊帶
rescue subcenter {= RSC} 搜救站
rescue unit {= RU} 救助單位
reserve account 準備金帳戶
reserve antenna 備用天線
reserve receiver 備用接收機
reserve transmitter 備用發射機
residual dynamical stability 剩餘動穩度
residual oil standard discharge connection 殘油標準排洩接頭
residual righting lever 剩餘扶正力臂
re-signing addendum 重新簽置之附錄
resistance 抵抗力;抗病性;阻力;電阻;熔接
resolved position 經確定之位置
resources 資源
respiration 呼吸作用;呼吸量
response lag 反應落後
responsible operator position 負責作業人員之職位
resting on seabed 潛坐海床
restoration 復原;回復
restraints 禁止
restricted landing area mark 限制降落區域標誌
restricted operator's certificate {= ROC} 限用值機員證書
restricted visibility 能見度受限制;能見度不良
restriction 限制
retained line 自留業務
retention 自留額
retention table 自留限額表
retiring from a line 不願續保或註銷責任額
retort 殺菌釜;蒸餾器
retractable fin stabilizer 伸縮式鰭板穩定器
retreat from rapids 退[出湍]灘
retroactive; retrospective 有追溯力的
retrocedant 分出轉再保險人
retrocede 轉再保險
retrocession 轉再保險業務
retrocessionaire 接受轉再保險人
return air 回風
return by agreement 雙方協議退費
return for no claim 無賠款退費
return for non-attachment 保險未生效退費
return of premium {= r.p.}; returns {= ret.} 退還保險費
return of premium-hulls 船體險退費
Returns Bureau 退費核定局
returns clause {ACV} 退費條款{氣墊船}
reverse current test 逆[電]流試驗
reverse osmosis method 反滲透法
reverse power protection 逆功率保護
reverse power test 逆功率試驗
reverse spiral test 逆蝸旋試驗
reverse starting sequence 換向起動程序
reverse steam brake 回汽煞俥
reverse stopping distance 倒俥停俥距離
reverse towing 倒拖
reversible diesel engine 可逆轉柴油機
reversible pump 可逆泵
reversing arrangement 逆轉裝置
reversing interlock 逆轉聯鎖
reversing water sampler 顛倒採水器
revolution speed of propeller 螺槳轉速
rheoplankton 流水域浮游生物
rheotaxis 向流性
rhizosolenia sp. 月形矽藻
rho-rho navigation system 雙距離定位[導航]系統
rhumb line bearing {= RLB} 恒向線方位
rhumb line sailing 恒向線航法
ribbonfish 白帶魚;瘦帶
rice field fish culture 稻田養魚
rice straw fibre 稻蒿纖維{漁業用天然纖維的一種}
rice-field eel 鱔魚
rice-fish rotation 稻魚輪作
rich feeding area 豐富餌料區域
ridge formula 海嶺定則
riding one point anchors 一字力錨
riding to single anchor 單錨泊
riding to two anchors [八字]雙錨泊
right cabotage [= cabotage] 沿海航運權;沿海貿易權
right flank ship 右翼船[艦]
right for sailing 開航權
right of approach 登臨權
right of claim 請求權;求償權
right of contribution 分攤責任
right of fishery 捕魚權
right of hot pursuit 緊追權
right of insurance against carrier 保險人對運送人之追償權
right of management of coastal strip 海岸帶管理權
right of navigation 航行權
right of notary 公證權
right of passage 通行權
right of passage between archipelagoes 群島間通過權
right of passenger 旅客權利
right of priority 優先權
right of protection 保護權
right of recovery 追償權
right of retention 拘留權;保留權
right of seizure 扣押權
right-hand rotation diesel engine 右轉柴油機
right-handed turning 右轉
righting arm curve; righting lever curve 扶正力臂曲線
rights of carrier 運送人免責權
rights of subrogation; subrogation 代位求償權
rights to take tenders 招標權
rigid construction 剛性結構
rigid helmet 硬盔
rigid replica of the International Code flag A 複製硬質國際信號代碼A旗
ring fish tag 環狀魚籤
ring net 環網{旋網之一種}
ring off engine 主機恒速
ringle tingle seine 巾著網;圍網
riots and civil commotions {= RSCC; r.s.c.c.} 暴動及民眾騷擾
ripening 成熟
rise and set of celestial body 天體出沒
rising market 漲價之市場
risk 危險
river boat 內河船
river fishery 河川漁業
ro/ro cargo 滾裝貨
road tank vehicle 公路液罐車
rock phosphate 岩石磷酸鹽
roll 捲輪;橫搖
roll groose 捲輪漕
roll mops 醋漬鰊
roll stowing hatch cover 滾動[收放]式艙蓋
rolling error 搖擺誤差
rolling hatch cover 滾動式艙蓋
rope spinning machine 絞索機
rostral teeth 額齒
rotary clincher 迴轉式假封機
rotary loop antenna 旋轉環形天線
rotary sliding-vane refrigerating compressor 轉動滑葉冷凍壓縮機
rotary starting air distributor 旋轉式起動空氣分配器
rotary vane motor 轉葉式馬達
rotary vane steering gear 轉葉式操舵裝置
rotating stall 旋轉失速
rotation clause 輪保條款
rotenone 魚藤酮
rotifer 輪蟲
rough fish 無釣遊價值之魚類
rough sea resistance 大浪阻力
rough soldier fish 金鱗魚
rough-scaled brill 貧齒扁魚
round haul net with bag 有囊式旋網
round herring 臭肉鰮
round hual seine 圍拖網
round voyage 往返航程
roundabout 環行道
rounded seam 捲封
rouse in 拉進錨鍊
routes of adult mig ration 成魚洄游路
routine calls 例行呼叫
routine organization 執行機構
routine priority 例行優先順序
routine repetition 例行複述
routing chart 航路圖
rubber bearing 橡膠軸承
rubber clause 橡膠保險條款
rubber exposed can 膠溢罐
rubber mat 橡皮墊
Rubber Trade Association Clause {= RTA CL.} 橡膠貿易協會條款
rudder area ratio 舵面積比
rudder axle 舵軸
rudder circling stop 左右滿舵停船
rudder clause 船舵等不保條款
rudder force 舵力
rudder pressure 舵壓力
rudder pressure center 舵壓力中心
rules for construction of policy 保單解釋規則
rules of practice 實務規則
rules of road for inland waters 內陸水道避碰規則
run off 滿期為止
running days 連續日期
running landing numbers {= r.l.n.} 卸載順序
running water fish culture 流水養魚
running water system 流水式
running with the sea 順浪航行
rushing against the rapids 衝入湍灘
Russian Register of Shipping 俄國驗船協會
rustproof graduated drinking vessel 有刻度防鏽飲器
rusty can 鏽罐
rusty shark 鑼槌沙;鏽鬚鮫
rut 發情;交尾
rye terms {= r.t.} 裸麥保險條件
s/a l/u 俟承諾並通知首席保險人後生效
Sabathe cycle 定壓定容混式循環{柴油機};沙巴得循環
sabotage 惡意破壞行為
sabotage to ship 對船舶之惡意破壞
sac fry 帶臍囊魚花
sacrifice 犧牲
sacrificial anode protection 耗蝕性陽極防護
saddle pendant 鞍座垂索
saddle preventer 鞍座輔索
saddle trolley 鞍座滑車
saddle winch 鞍座絞機
safe carrying capacity 安全載流量
safely landed 安全卸貨
safety and environmental protection policy 安全與環保政策
safety and interlock device 安全與聯鎖設施
safety call 安全呼叫
safety call format 安全呼叫格式
safety communication procedure 安全通信程序
safety fairway 安全主航道
safety injection system 安全噴射系統
safety management certificate 安全管理證書
safety management manual 安全管理手冊
safety management system {= SMS} 安全管理系統
safety message 安全信文
safety priority 安全優先順序
safety speed 安全速度
safety system 安全系統
safety water mark 安全水域標誌
safetyNET 安全網路
safety-pin tag 安全針形魚籤
sagitta 矢形紋
sail in the middle [河道]循中[航行]
sailed as per list {= s.a.p.l.} 依據時間表開航;勞依茲日報公告船期
sailing card 船期通知卡
sailing plan report 航行計畫報告
sailing warranty 航行保證
sailmaker's tool 縫帆工具
sale charges; sale fees 銷售費用
sale of vessel 船舶出售
sale of vessel clause 船舶出售條款
sale terms 銷售條件
sales contract 銷售契約
salt burn 鹽燒
salted and dried 醃乾品
salted fish 鹹魚
salvage {= s} [海難]救助;打撈;救助報酬
salvage agreement 救助協議
salvage and recovery clause 救助及追償條款
salvage association {= SA} 救助協會
salvage association account {= SA a/c} 救助協會帳戶
salvage at sea 海上救助
salvage contract 海難救助契約
salvage guarantee 救助保證
salvage loss {= s.l.} 救助損失
salvage operation 海難救助作業
salvage property 經施救而保全之財產
salvage pump 救助泵
salvage remuneration 救助報酬
salvage ship 救撈船
salvage strop 環繩
salvor's lien 救助留置權
sample feed pump 樣品供給泵
sampling point 取樣點
sampling probe 取樣管;取樣器
sand shark 戟齒砂鮫
sand shrimp 沙蝦
sandbank 砂洲{河口等}
sand-blocking dam 攔沙壩
sanitary can 自動機製二重捲封罐
sanitary pressure tank 衛生水壓力櫃
saponin 石鹼
sapro-legnia 嗜腐性真菌類
saproplankton 菌性浮游生物
SAR point of contact 搜救聯絡點
sardine 鰮;沙丁魚
satellite almanac 衛星曆書
satellite based navigational system 衛星[基]導航系統
satellite cloud picture 衛星雲圖
satellite configuration 衛星配置圖
satellite constellation 衛星星座
satellite coverage 衛星覆蓋區
satellite disturbed orbit 衛星攪動軌道
satellite Doppler positioning 衛星都卜勒定位
satellite emergency position-indicating radiobeacon 衛星應急指位無線電示標
satellite ephemeris 衛星曆表
satellite fix 衛星定位
satellite link 衛星鏈路
satellite message 衛星信文
satellite navigator 衛星導航儀
satellite network 衛星網路
satellite orbit 衛星軌道
satellite system 衛星系統
saucer 托盤
saving human life 海上人命救助
saw shark 劍鯊
scale disease 鱗病{魚病};魚鱗癬
scale effect 尺度效應;縮型效應
scale formula 鱗式
scale ice 鱗狀冰
scale of rates 保護費率表
scale pattern 鱗型
scale picture 鱗紋
scale plate 刻度板
scale projector 魚鱗投影機
scaled carp 鱗鯉
scaled sardine 斑青鱗魚
scaler 除鱗器
scallop 日明貝;蚶
scattering layer 分布層
scavenger 擇食腐肉之動物;清道夫
scavenging air manifold 驅氣歧管
scavenging air port 驅氣孔
scavenging box fire 驅氣箱著火
scavenging-compression stroke 驅氣-壓縮行程
scenedesmus sp. 月形藻
schedule 明細表;目錄表;一覽表;時間表
schedule to the Act [英國]海上保險法之附表
schizont 裂殖體
schizothrix calciola 藍藻
school 群
Schrnow turn 斯氏迴轉法
scleroscope hardness 反跳硬度
scraping the bottom 清除船底
scratching 擦損油漆之危險
screen of sidelight 舷燈遮光板
screw propeller ship 螺槳推進船
screw type refrigerating compressor 螺旋式冷凍壓縮機
sea accident 海上事故
sea areas under national jurisdiction 國家管轄海域
sea berth 海上泊位
sea bottom deposit 海底沈澱物
sea bream 鯛
sea cat-fish 斑海鯰
sea damage 海[水漬]損
sea echo 海浪回波
sea ice concentration 海冰密集度
sea letter telegram {= SLT} 海上書信電報
sea moths 海蛾
sea perch 鱸魚
sea service 海勤資歷
sea state 海象
sea surface temperature 海面溫度
sea tourist area 海上旅遊區
sea trial condition 試航條件
sea valve 海水閥
sea water circulating pump 海水循環泵
sea water damage {= SWD; s.w.d.} 海水損害
sea water service system 海水系統
sea weather report 海上氣象報告
seagoing qualities 航海性能
seakindliness 凌波性
seal 海豹;膃肭獸
seal oil 海豹油
seal water system 水封系統
sealer schooner 溫肭;獸獵船
sealing 膃肭獸獵業
sealing steam system 封閉蒸汽系統
seam projector 捲封斷面投影儀
seaman's book 船員手冊
search and rescue coordinating communication {= SAR coordinating communication} 搜救協調通信
search and rescue mission coordinator {= SMC} 搜救任務協調人
search and rescue procedure 搜救程序
search and rescue radar transponder 搜救雷達詢答機
search and rescue region {= SRR} 搜救區
search and rescue repeater {= SARR} 搜救重發器;搜救中繼器
search and rescue satellite aided tracking {= SARSAT} 搜救衛星輔助追蹤
search and rescue satellite system 搜救衛星系統
search and rescue service {= SAR service} 搜救業務
search and rescue unit 搜救單位
search datum 搜索基點
search maneuver 搜索行動
search pattern 搜索方式
search track 搜索航跡
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